There were a lot of ‘back stories’ surrounding the complete withdrawal of US forces from the former American military bases in Subic, Clark and Camp John Hay that never made it the front page of newspapers, both national and local.
Mostly, the suppression of those stories was…

“The NEA shall immediately step-in and take over from its Board the operations of any ailing electric cooperative. Within a reasonable period after take-over, the NEA may convert the ailing cooperative to either a stock cooperative registered with the CDA or a stock corporation registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
These are articles related to the current issue surrounding the NEA and BENECO. Please feel free to scroll and find the appropriate topics that you want to read, or you can start from the beginning so you can see the whole picture which may help you act appropriately and accordingly. You may also visit this link for the same topic index: (https://joelrdizon.com/category/nea-beneco/)
Baguio Rewind
These are articles related to the current status of the City of Baguio along with some parts of her history as seen by the author. Please feel free to scroll and find the appropriate topics that you want to read, or you can start from the beginning so you can see the whole picture which may help you understand how things had been, an perhaps will help you think of what you can contribute to a better place to live and enjoy. You may also visit this link for the same topic index: https://joelrdizon.com/category/bgrw/
Informal Law Education Series
This link thread contains articles written by Atty. Joel Rodriguez Dizon on lessons delivered in the form of simulated lectures in a fictional section of junior law students belonging to the Alpha and Omega classes at a fictional college of law called the Layman School of Law and Justice. Although entirely fictional, all the lectures contain real and accurate legal insights. The “students'” recitations are based on his interactions with real students he has had teaching law for more than ten years in the Baguio Colleges Foundation College of Law in the Philippines.
The Unheardside
About Us
The owner of this site is a writer and a lawyer based in Baguio City, Philippines. He was a former editor of the Gold Ore and Baguio City Digest, and a professor of journalism, political science and law at Baguio Colleges Foundation (BCF). He is also a photographer and video documentarist. He has a YouTube channel called “Parables and Reason”.
About Images: Some of the images used in the articles are from the posts in the site owner’s Facebook account under the name Atty. Joel Rodriguez Dizon. Others were taken from Facebook groups and pages he manages or/and a member of. Unless otherwise indicated, all images were created by the site’s owner.
This site was setup in partnership with the following:
- ScieMarTech (Smart Learning) – https://sciemartech.com/
- Virtuenture (Digital Adventures) – https://virtuenture.com/
- ETEEAP Philippines (Expanded Tertiary Education Evaluation and Accreditation Program) – https://eteeap.org/
- Hyblexsol (Hybrid, Blended and Flexible Solutions) – https://hyblexsol.com/