February 09, 2025
BENECO Election Postponement
City High Years
National Geographic
MCO Regrets
Why Titanic Mania Lives
Willy’s Jeep
Titan Minisub
Hope Never Surrenders
One Question, One Member, One Vote
Slowly and Steadily
“Alice in Wonderland”
Magalong and MSL
Writing in the Dark
BENECO District Elections 2023
The Rise and Fall of ECMCO United
“MSL is my GM”
General Membership
No Substitute for Elections
Evidentiary “MCO SELFIE”
Empowering the BENECO MCO
NEA’s Conceptual Hook
The BENECO Surrender 2
Legal Post Classifications
BENECO Controversy Topics
The BENECO Surrender
A photograph speaks a million words
Conversion and Privatization
Explore Baguio with a Bike
Failure of AI
Preserving CJH
Skating Rink
NEA’s Hiring Process
Camp John Hay Nostalgia
Camp John Hay Mile High Memories
NEA’s Mandate
Camp John Hay TV
NEA and BENECO Should Come Clean
John Hay’s Top Soil
Big Screens at John Hay
The Browning of Camp John Hay
The Beginning of the Age of Brainwashing
Baguio shouldn’t build skyscrapers
The MURDER of pine trees goes unabated
We were “toy soldiers” in 1979
Baguio City, Philippines


As usual, the malicious one thinks I have an ulterior motive in writing all those informative articles about BENECO.

Some people are so over conscious about “credit” and hedging against anyone claiming credit for this thing and that.

I find all of it amusing because only victory is supposed to have many fathers. On the other hand, it is an uplifting cause for hope because people can smell victory so close at hand that they’re wary about MORE OPPORTUNISTS later on cashing in on the sacrifice of others.

I even read one comment asking for my “blessing” to push onward. I think you must be thinking of another person, not me. I am not a divine person (I don’t call myself “dyoso”), nobody needs my “blessing” to do anything.

So, perhaps I should make a total disclosure at this point to put some minds at rest.


I am not a registered voter for any past and any future BENECO district elections. That means I have no ambition to become a BENECO director. I won’t even be at the AGMA, now or ever.


If you are forming, or interested to form another MCO Group—especially now that you understand that EC-MCO is NOT an exclusive patented or copyrighted MCO franchise, then go right ahead, God bless you.

Please do not invite me to join a group, or be an adviser, a trustee or any other officer by any other title. Read my lips: I am NOT interested.

Precisely, I want the BENECO Members to learn the lessons of history—to act on THEIR own, to follow THEIR democratic instinct, to choose THEIR worthy leaders without bloated narcissistic egos, to gravitate around men and women of principle, not just charismatic pretty faces, and to avoid all patronage POLITICS unrelated to the concerns of a genuine consumer movement.

Forget wordy purpose clauses and mission statements, there is only one fight that remains relevant today: stop BENECO from being “privatized.”

The President has said it, NEA is acting to carry out what he said, but still some are wondering if it’s ever going to happen. It’s no longer a question of “IF” but of “WHEN” and of “HOW.”

So stop wasting time on ME. I am a non-entity in the whole equation. I don’t give a single solitary droplet of s**t who gets the credit for anything. Someone, in particular, is so worked up about how she led the retaking of South Drive in 2021, breaking through that phalanx of PNP troops wondering what they were doing there in the first place. Fine, you want to be recognized as Gabriela Silang of the MCO Movement, go ahead sell the ludicrous scenario all you want to whoever will buy it, I don’t care.

But in my page—and in my page ALONE—I will continue to dispense FREE ADVISE and FREE GUIDANCE to anyone reading me, including NEA. If the latter harvests more insight from it than the MCO’s, then that’s their problem, not mine.

If anyone thinks my views and opinions are pure garbage, then with more reason they have nothing to worry about.

This is YOUR affair, MCO’s. Manage it yourselves.*

About the Author

The author is a writer and lawyer based in Baguio City, Philippines. Former editor of the Gold Ore and Baguio City Digest, professor of journalism, political science and law at Baguio Colleges Foundation (BCF). He is a photographer and video documentarist. He has a YouTube channel called “Parables and Reason”

About Images: Some of the images used in the articles are from the posts in Atty. Joel Rodriguez Dizon’s Facebook account, and/or Facebook groups and pages he manages or/and member of.

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